Nation [my oldest] is 4.5 years old. He keeps me laughing.
You might have previously read about his necklace to get out of trouble, this week he said some pretty hilarious things too, including:
Me: "Nation you can get out of timeout"
Him: "But I'm not sorry still"
Me: "Okay, then I guess stay in time out"
That was Tuesday. Today, after he shoved his brothers face into the carpet [sigh], I sent him to timeout [which we use with other forms of punishment, but he hates to not be playing like everyone else, it's worse than any thing else we've tried...for him, but only since he's gotten older. Timeout did not work for him as an infant/toddler.
So, he's screaming in time out, I start to walk away and he points to our scripture verse on the wall [the one we read when we fight with our brother] and says screams...
"Mom read me what the bible says"
ha ha
He is such a sweetheart too. He wakes Solomon up so gently from his naps and brings him water and a snack. He speaks softly and kindly to him.
Today he looked at the flowers his dad gave me and drew this picture for me. I suppose it's his first still art sketch. I am still having these moments were I go "Wow, is my kid nearing 5? He can actually draw a flower?" I feel like just yesterday I was trying to teach him to draw something that resembled a circle.
It's got grass and everything. Obviously, as his mom, I'm more enthralled-amazed-excited than you are, but I thought I'd share just a bit of my Nation with you.
Has your kid done or said anything lately that made you laugh or take a step back?