Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Weight Watcher Wednesday 20


It's been a few weeks [to say the least], but with vacation and re-adjusting to life after vacation I'm back on track. Looks like I'm up .4 ounces over the last month, so I've stayed about the same. I even tried to throw a health fast in there, but gained and lost the same six pounds in 3 days, ha. I am back to tracking my points! I have found that taking a photo of the label with my phone and referring to those later that night while working on the calculator on the computer verses my phone has helped me keep track a little better. [That was a run-on sentence, huh?]

My biggest hang up is always not having time at that exact moment to write it down, so now I can refer back to my photo library. I'm down 20 since having Moses, and another [almost] 20 since starting Weight Watchers so I'm very hopeful about my last 30. I'm sure---the hardest, but I'm done nursing now so, in theory, I can diet a little more hardcore. 

Not that chasing around 3 kids under 5 [all boys!] has allowed me to cut my calories by much though!

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