Saturday, December 4, 2010

You Might Be A Mom If...

[my mom]

You Might Be A Mom If...

...someone tries on a hat in a store you tell them "you probably have lice now"

...your phone is primarily used for txting & checking email, but rarely for actual talking

...chai no longer has enough caffeine in it have more apps on your phone for toddler games than anything else is reserved for church and date nights

...your once relaxing bath tub has now been overtaken by kids toys have Amazon Prime ship things to your house normal people go to the store for know all the lyrics to "hot dog" have more carseats than available seats left in your car wear ponytails for bracelets

For daily "You might be a mom if" humor...check out my Twitter.

Tell me your YMBAMI below in the comments...


  1. I'm sure you mom LOVED you putting a silly picture of her so big. I think it's cute though. yes, bath is FULL of toys-taking a bath is a rare treat. yep, ponytails are bracelets and now baby bows are found wrapped around my wrist. hot dog?

    You might be a mom if...a 10 minute shower is like a day at the could write a book on the once confusing Scripture "women will be saved through child bearing" find yourself repenting of judging moms before you had now order special sunscreen and bug spray to get ready for act like your not afraid of bugs so your kids won't become good at photography because you happen to take sooo many always have something funny to tell the family...a productive day looks very different from a productive day before never punch a time clock.

  2. You might be a mom if... When you sit down to read a good book its "did i ever tell you how lucky you are"-dr.seuss. If you carry ear plugs in your purse. If you have spent more money on diapers than you've EVER spent on shoes, or jeans, or jewelry, or your first car. If the phrase "he's holding a sharp pointy object so quit hitting him with a pillow!" has ever crossed your lips.... More than once. If you put on a pair of jeans and are immediately asked "where are we going?".

  3. :) I could say almost all of these apply to me!

  4. Or you run an in-home daycare! I fit six of those! I started singing the hot dog song just when I saw the words. I sing that song to "my kiddos" when I fix hot dogs for lunch.

  5. I'm not a mom but I love Mickey Mouse Club House!!! Thank you hannah and ethan! This are good Can!

  6. LOL Love these. So true!!! My kids love the hot dog song :-)



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