Thursday, August 5, 2010

Thankful Thursday Top Ten [#1]

I have a friend, IN WHICH, I highly respect, Jennifer Thompson, who is the awesome mother of 7 [under 12] and she does a Thankful Tuesday Top Ten. I will now start stealing her idea. Did I mention she had surprise twins at home?

Thankful this week for:

1-Storms [They're sexy]
2-Kid sayings [See below]
3-A husband who unpacks clothes when I've run out of steam and sends me shopping to be alone
4-iPhone GPS [even if it did get me lost today trying to find babiesrus]
5-The pool at these apartments [87 steps away from my door for those curious minds wondering since my first post]
6-Friends & Fam who still keep in touch even though I'm gone [Thank you phone, email, facebook & blog]
7-A Brush [Since vacation & traveling I had a strict routine of swimming & washing & air drying...started to get involuntary dreads]
8-Lifevests [Boys swim while I sit in the SHADE [thankful thing 8.5] with Moses...although Nation started swimming without today!]
9-Brother & Sister arriving back safely from Africa today after a month long mission trip with Teen Mania
10-A clean place upon crawling into bed [Charles now understands my obsessive need to not wake up to yesterdays mess]

[ Nation watching TV while I make dinner...yes that's a gun in his underwear]

Two Nationism's from today:
[Thank you Natayln for the idea]

"But I can throw snot"
[When told there isn't anything fun to do in time out in his high chair]

"The Bible says you can sit on the floor and watch TV"
[When told to get in the chair & eat breakfast]

*Side Note Time* If you have kids, I highly encourage you to write down not just their milestones, but also funny things they do or say. For me, it's easiest to just plug it in on my iCal on my computer or on my iPhone iCal. This way I know the date and I just jot down enough to remember when I scrapbook to put it on that calendar as well.

How do you record your children's "ism's"?


  1. I love writing down all of David's sayings. I have an ongoing ejournal. So everytime I am on the computer (which is a lot with email and fb), I jot down what he has said along with the date. That way I have it for when I scrapbook but I will also have it all in one place for a fun book for him or me one day :-)

  2. I also have a good ol' fashioned notebook that I write down the funnies in. I occasionally blog them too.

  3. I am terrible about writing them down. I really should. Nation's outfit is awesome!

  4. That's so cute! And you're welcome for the idea! I have so many Bobbyisms and now Ianisms I should write a book! haha

  5. Kindle said something funny today. "Mommy, Baby Gunnar doesn't talk, but he speaks Spanish" IDK
    She is so silly sometimes.



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