Thursday, August 23, 2012

Thankful Thursday #108

Thankful This Week For...

1. Making it through a week without Charles here [all kids accounted for still]
2. Playdates, play places and nesting to keep me busy
3. Homeschool schedule...I couldn't do the early mornings [driving, dressing, being awake and all]
4. That my kids are such great swimmers I never have to get in or out of the shade I can just watch
5. A new [color] crib. Ikea's cribs are so inexpensive and so great. Sold two previous ones to pay for it.
6. My last few weeks with Moses as "my baby"
7. A babysitter so I can have help and still get away every once in a while even if Charles is gone
8. Nice family weekend before Charles had to leave for NYC [even an extra day with him]
9. That my boys un-invite me to pancakes with dad on Saturday mornings because it's so fun to them
10. Downton Abbey [lovely tv show on PBS]

What are you thankful for this week?

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