Monday, April 2, 2012

YMCA Soccer Thus Far...

I realize this is a post for like...maybe my kids grandparents, but even a soccer post is sure to make you giggle a bit. Solomon [3 almost 4] got recruited to Nation's 5/6 year old team one night at practice. Which made our life easier so we don't have to do two practices and two games. Solomon is the youngest, but he's having fun and it's great to watch them play together. They are number 4 & 5. 

Solomon seems to also take on the role of cheerleader [or karate, we can't figure out] while on the field. He's a great goal keeper, and Nation spends the entire 60 minutes chasing the ball and drinking gallons of water in the heat. They're amazing. I could no be more proud of my boys doing their best on for sure the most underdog team on the YMCA youth league right now!

Charles has been assistant coaching every game, and Moses has been happily watching with my from the sidelines.


  1. Great photography.....Miss you all xoxo
    The kids are naturals out there.




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