Monday, December 19, 2011

Life Happens [31 Things I Know]

This I know...
Life Happens
...every time you don't expect it to.

Last time I posted on this theme "31 Things I Know" it was exactly a week ago. Putting me 7 posts behind. Hilariously enough, a few days ago when I posted on facebook "I'm 3 going on 4 posts behind" 5 people initially read that [and got equally excited] that I was saying I was 3 going on 4 kids, ha ha. Although I would compare trying to conceive with blog posting in the busy holiday season as they are equally challenging, ha. For the record, I am not with child.

I say all this to say, a little over a week ago, circumstances beyond my control in my extended family occurred that took much priority over blog posting. I think what makes a good blogger is someone who isn't blog posting when they should be attending to something in "real" life. That, and a lot of finishing up schooling, plus preparing for hosting two large parties at my house and attending a few myself. I see why people don't celebrate the seasons sometimes---it's a lot of buying/planning/attending. But, I think it's worth it...once you're at the party!

It attempt to keep going and catch up, I'm going to condense today's post by adding 6 other "things I know" to today's Life Happens. Cars break down, Finances lack, Children are diagnosed with cancer, Toilets leak thru floors, Bad reports over your child, Marriages struggle, People don't show up to things you plan... Just a few of the things I've seen in my friends lives this past week. I'm sure you could add to the list.

Life happens.

Especially when we lease expect it.

But, when it happens, I think the only real response is:

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 
-1 Thess. 5:16-18

I know it sounds easier said than done, and you don't feel like it, you don't feel strong enough or spiritual enough and it makes no natural sense--but "this is the will of God for you". Give Thanks. You don't have to thank God for the cancer, but you can thank him that he is the Great Physician, you don't have to thank God you don't have enough, but you can thank him that He is the Lord who provides. You may have a lot to be stressed about, but how much more do you have to be thankful for?  

6 other things I know...

1- Children should be exposed to different instruments. I'm beginning to think everyone could have been a musician if given the exposure and chance.

2-If you're not using it---you don't need it. Be a blessing, give away what you've been storing in your closets & cabinets and drawers that could be used by someone today! 

3-Some things aren't worth fighting about. Sometimes it's better to keep small annoyances to yourself, is it really worth ruining a good night...with a fight? No.

4-Every woman should own at least one Rita Springer worship album. Just sayin'.

5- When someone pops into your mind, or something reminds you of should probably pray for them and contact them. Sometimes they need it, sometimes they need it and didn't know they needed it. I think it's God's way of nudging us to rally around someone.

6-A backyard with raw materials is the best childhood gift you could ever give a boy. Maybe a girl, I don't know. That, or a dog, but you know I'm not doing that! I can't begin to describe to you the house my boys have created, pretended, played and learned together with all the random things back there. Oh, and it looks like super trashy & I'm sure my neighbors think very very low of me, but one day, one day---it will all pay off I'm sure. As Nation said the other day, "I hope one day I can make an invention for the entire world". 

Merry Christmas week. 
Hopefully I'll get back on track...if not, you know I'm attending to something important. ; )

1 comment:

  1. The thing that sticks out the most in this post is the child being diagnosed with cancer (and that I love your boys creativity). You said that is what has been happening in your friends lives so that means some tearful prayers have be said from this lady for that child. Cancer is... so nasty I don't have words to explain it. I tire of that word and watching it attack people's lives. So glad to know the Great Physician or I would have no hope.

    Thanks for always sharing your heart Candra!



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