Thankful This Week For:
1. Flowers just because
2. Last weeks soccer shirts not being too dirty to re-wear again [since I forgot to wash!]
3. Bees. I had no idea that they helped bring me 1/3 of everything that ends up on my plate
4. A girly movie night
5. Yankee candles to make my house smell clean...even if it isn't
6. Finding out that adding raspberry to a white chocolate mocha makes it taste even less like coffee
7. A prayer getting answered even better than we asked for [Re: Charles work]
8. Trader Joe's [minus 40 min drive]... heard a rumor they are building one sooner than later near me.
9. When my oldest son asks that his little brother be first [all this training---it's sinking in!]
10. Rita Springers new album
gorgeous flowers!! i have candles buring in my home all the time to make it smell clean, cause my house rarely is anymore! LOL! love girly movie nights!